Dr Mahabaleshwara Rao
- Guides the research students.
- Looks after library administration and organisation.
- Manages subscriptions of journals, online journals, online databases and other e-resources.
- Assists students, faculty members and research scholars in identifying potential information sources.
- Regularly updates information sources to identify materials to meet user needs and enrich the library's collections.
- Prepares statistical reports of library operations and use.
- Continuously develops a strong knowledge of the library collection and materials, its strengths and weaknesses and how to find items using the best access methods assigned areas.
- Regularly updates and develops library site and ERMSS software.
- Coordinates Inter library loan with DELNET and other libraries.
- Identifies and explores useful online databases for health sciences community.
- Assists the researchers to search for scientific information.
Mahabaleshwara Rao is Associate Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Information Sources and Services | Semester - I |
Management of Library and Information Centres | Semester - II |
ICT Applications in Library and Information Centres (Practical) | Semester - II |
Electronic Information Resources and Information Literacy | Semester - III |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
PhD | Library and Information Science | Mangalore University | 2011 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Library and Information Science | Associate Professor | 2014 – present | |
Department of Library and Information Science | Assistant Professor-Senior Scale | 2011 - 2014 | |
Department of Library and Information Science | Senior Librarian | 2006 - 2011 | |
Department of Library and Information Science | Librarian | 2000 - 2006 |
Area of Interest
Health Sciences Librarianship, Information Services, Web Resources, User Study, Library Automation, Digital Library, Information Literacy.
Area of Expertise
Web Resources.
Area of Research
Web Resources - Perception and Utilisation, Digital Libraries, IT Application in Libraries, User Study - Information Resources and Services.
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life member of Dakshina Kannada and Kodagu Library Association, Mangalore.
- Life member of Karnataka Health Sciences Library Association, Bangalore.
- Life member of Indian Library Association.
- Life member of Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS), Chennai.
User Awareness on Single Window Search Tool Provided by KMC Health Sciences Library, MAHE, Manipal: A Study.
Dr Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat Swapna
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2019 September; 2729
Awareness, Perception and Use of Social, Networking Sites among Library Professionals and Semi-Professionals: A Case Study.
Dr Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat Pooja
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2019 September; 2844
Use of KMC Health Sciences Library Portal by Postgraduate Students and Faculty Members of Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MAHE, Manipal, India.
Dr Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat Sunil Shetty
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2018 November; 1864
Relationship between Online Journal Usage and their Citations in the Academic Publications: A Case Study.
Dr Mahabaleshwara Rao Shivananda Bhat Jessy A.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2018 Sept;38(5):312-319
Perception of Semi-Professionals in using ICT in Manipal Academy of Higher Education Libraries.
Dr Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat Ashish Rao K.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2018 Sept;38(5):369-374
Enabling OpenAthens- Single Sign-On (SSO) Remote Access Authentication to e- Resources: A Case Study.
Dr.Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr.Shivananda Bhat K Mohan Tej M
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2023 Sept;43(5):347-353
A correlation study of sustainable development goal (SDG) interactions
Dr.Mahabaleshwara Rao Christopher Sudhakar Sheeba Pakkan Shubham Tripathi
Quality and Quantity 2023 Apr;57(2):1937-1956
Awareness and Utilization of Information Resources and Services among Library Users of JCBM College, Shringeri, India: A Case Study.
Dr.Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr.Shivananda Bhat K Prasad T.P.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2021 November; 6477
Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Libraries: A Case Study.
Dr.Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Mohan Tej M.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2021 September; 6152
Perception and Utilization of Single Window Search Tool for Conducting Literature Search: A Case Study.
Dr.Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr.Shivananda Bhat K.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2021 July; 5898
Quest for Ranking Excellence: Impact Study of Research Metrics.
Dr. Mahabaleshwar Dr. Christopher Sudhakar Sheeba Pakkan Shubham Tripathi
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2021 Jan;41(1):61-69
Utilization and User Satisfaction of Public Library Resources and Services: A Case Study of City Central Library, Shimoga, India.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Anusha B.N.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2020 November; 4698
Association of Usage of Online Journals with Impact Factors: A Descriptive Analytical Study: A Study.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat. Kalesh M. Karun Jessy A.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2020 September; 4240
Perception and Satisfaction Level of Remote Login Access Users: A Study.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat.K Jayalakshmi,
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2018 April; 1783
Assessing the Effectiveness of Information Literacy Instruction Program: Pre and Post Evaluation Case Study.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Jessy A.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2016 November; 1434
Web Portal: An E-Content Knowledge Management Tool. PEARL
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Jessy A
A Journal of Library and Information Science 2016 Oct-Dec; 10(4): 224-233
Citation Analysis of Academic Publications to Identify Subscribed Journals Usage: A Case Study.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao. Dr. Shivananda Bhat Jessy A.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2016 Jul;36(4):194-198
Marketing of Resources and Services with Emerging Technologies in Modern Libraries: An Overview.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao. Jessy A.
International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology 2016 Jan;6(1):15-20
Medical Professionals’ Usage and Preference of EBM Resources: A Survey.
Dr.Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr.Shivananda Bhat. K Jessy A.
SRELS Journal of Information Management 2015 Jun;52(3):153-162
PubMed literacy: Developing Skills for Effective Literature.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao. Dr.Shivananda Bhat.K
Indian Journal of Respiratory Care 2015; 4:565-71
Off Campus Access to Licensed e-Resources: A Case Study.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Jessy A.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2014 Nov;34(6):486-490.
Clinicians’ Awareness and Use of Evidence-based Medicine Resources: A Study at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Jessy A.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2014 Jan;34(1):57-65.
Computer Literacy and Use of Web Resources: A Survey on Medical Faculty and Students.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Mahesh V Mudhol
International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology 2013 Jan-Mar;3(1):27-31.
Utilization of Web Resources at the Medical College Libraries in Coastal Karnataka.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Mahesh V Mudhol.
SRELS Journal of Information Management 2013 Feb;50(1):61-91.
Single window access to e-resources at the Manipal University Health Sciences Library.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat K.
Indian Journal of Library and Information Science 2012 Sep-Dec;6(3):247-265.
Web as a learning resource at the medical college libraries in Coastal Karnataka: Perception of faculty and students.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Mahesh V Mudhol.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2011 Mar;31(2):121-35.
Microsite: A campus networked library resource search: A study of Manipal University Health Sciences Library, Manipal.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao. Dr.Shivananda Bhat.K Anantha K.R. Rao
International Journal of Library and Information Science 2010 May: 65-71.
Enabling single point access to e-resources: A Manipal University health sciences library initiative.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao, Mahesh V Mudhol.
IEEE Xplore 2009 Aug: 300-04.
e-Learning - A support tool for teaching and learning: A Manipal University initiative.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Mahesh V Mudhol.
SRELS Journal of Information Management 2009 Mar:46(1): 3-16.
Online databases for health professionals. Physiotherapy.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Mahesh V Mudhol
The Journal of Indian Association of Physiotherapists 2008 Apr;1(1):10-13.
Towards quality of health science information on the Internet.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao Mahesh V Mudhol Dr.Shivananda Bhat K.
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2008 Nov;28(6):27-33.
Selected web resources on medical sciences.
Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao, Dr. Shivananda Bhat K. Mahesh V Mudhol
DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 2008 Mar;28(2):86-92.