Fee Structure


Course Fees for Admissions 2024 are as follows

 Year   Campus   Course Fee   Caution Deposit   Total Course Fee 
1 Manipal Rs. 4,95,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 5,05,000
2 Manipal Rs. 4,95,000 - Rs. 4,95,000
3 International  Approx USD 20,000 - USD 45,000 
4 International Approx USD 20,000 - USD 45,000 


  • Tuition fees for Year 3 and 4 will depend on the International University to which the student will transfer. The above mentioned figures are approximate.
  • The first year fee will be Rs. 5,05,000 and the remaining years fees will be based on the university to which the student is transferred.
  • The students who opt for B.Sc. (Applied Sciences) degree and continue their studies at Manipal, have to pay the third year tuition fee as prescribed by the University from time to time.


Refund Rule – 2024 Admissions

If the student chooses to withdraw from the program in which he / she is enrolled, the refund of the paid fees will be made as per the following UGC guidelines


Note: The refund rules mentioned below are NOT applicable for NEET based admissions



(Course Fee)

Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admission is submitted to the University



 Up to 30 September 2024


    Rs. 1,000

 01 October 2024 to 31 October 2024



 After 31 October 2024



  • Any student who withdraws from the course as mentioned in No. 3 in the table above, will be required to remit to the University, in addition to the amount already forfeited, the course fee payable for the remaining period of the course.
  • All refunds will be processed as per the above table by the MAHE Student Finance Office based on the recommendation of the Director (Admissions).
  • In case of Foreign / NRI candidates, the refund will be made in accordance with RBI / foreign exchange regulations.
  • Application and Entrance Test fees once paid shall NOT be refunded under any circumstances.
  • The above refund rule information is indicative only and University reserves the right to make changes as per the notifications received from the concerned statutory / regulatory authorities from time to time.  Any changes made, in the above will be updated in the website