Dr. Mohan Baliga

Provides mortuary services inclusive of post mortems and medico-legal consultation in Kasturba hospital, visits crime scenes.


Dr. Mohan Baliga
MDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 



Working from inception of this institution


Areas of interest in teaching

Oral Oncology, Reconstructive surgery, Traumatology


Top 5 research publications/ projects

  • 1996: Efficacy of Chitra granules in Cysric cavities
  • 1999: Functional evaluation of Quality of life in Oral Cancer
  • 2002: DRDO Vertical Intra Oral distractor
  • 2005: Botroclot in intra oral wound healing
  • 2007: Colour Dopler as a tool to assess pulpal blood flow in Maxillary Osteotomy