Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars etc.

Date Event Organised by Venue
21st & 22nd Sep 2024

Annual Manipal Clinical Medicine CME 2024

Click here for details

Registration extended till 15th Sep, 2024

Department of Medicine
Kasturba Medical College (KMC), MAHE, Manipal
3rd Floor,
Dr TMA Pai Auditorium,
KMC, Manipal
9th & 10th Oct 2024

1st International Conference on cGMP
'ICONcGMP 2024
2nd 'National cGMP Day'

Click here for brochure

Centre for current Good Manufacturing Practices (Centre for cGMP), a Centre of Excellence, MAHE, Manipal
Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MCOPS), Manipal
Dr TMA Pai Auditorium Manipal