

It is estimated that by 2050, 6.5 billion human beings will be living in an urban habitat. There is a significant need to transform the way we build and manage our urban spaces and also to manage our communities sustainably.

MAHE participates in building Sustainable cities and communities with a true spirit. We work towards greener infrastructure development, conservation of the water bodies like lake, rainwater harvesting, and water recycling. Most of the electricity consumed in our campus is produced through solar energy. And we devote our resources to build green campus.

MAHE has a true inclusive spirit towards its community members. It provides public access to our building. We provide public access to our libraries including books and publications. MAHE’s staff avail affordable housing. MAHE’s facilities like Manipal Museum of Anatomy & Pathology and Planetarium are available for free public access. MAHE’s research work has produced more than 60 research papers in the prime research journals across the globe and contributed significantly towards UN’s SDG of Sustainable Cities and communities.

Our Good Practices

Shaping Shivamogga’s Smart City Transition
Redesigning Gram Panchayats: Spatial Development Plans for Uppunda and Shankarnarayana
Exploring Sustainable Eco-Tourism Potential: A Case Study of Mudukudru
Framework for Resource Efficiency and Disaster Risk Reduction at Timmankudru
iDiDe: An International Design Workshop with a Transcultural Theme
MAHE’s Participation in iDiDe 2020 – Transcultural Collaborative Design Studio
Stepping Up to the Cause: Developing Reusable Masks during the COVID-19 Crisis
From Plantain Waste Biomass to Fabric Grade Banana Fibre
Lighting the Way Forward!