Message from Vice Chancellor - MAHE

We believe in wedding the production of knowledge to the safeguard of natural resources, cultural diversity and sustainable development. The vision and values of MAHE, inspired by its founder Dr. TMA Pai, find an echo in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN SDGs); the shared blueprint provides direction and international impetus to our ongoing initiatives.

Our ardent commitment to the UN SDGs is exemplified in the university’s eco-friendly campus being placed the first in India, and 125th in the world by the UI Green Metric World University Rankings. This is due, in large part, to extensive rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharging systems, as well as capturing the solar energy, that the region is copiously endowed with.

MAHE dedicates teaching, research, stewardship and collaborations with its vast network of local and international partners/stakeholders to respond meaningfully to emerging global challenges. This robust exercise has involved a conscious orientation of curricula towards SDGs, instilling leadership skills in students for effectuating change, channelizing research and industry partnerships and building enduring engagements with local communities.

Through this report, I am happy to share a summary of our initiatives that have contributed to the UN SDGs.

Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M. D. Venkatesh

Vice Chancellor MAHE-Manipal

2022 Report

Sustainable Development Goals














