The pleasant and green ambiance of the MAHE campus

The pleasant and green ambiance of the MAHE campus is maintained and developed by planting saplings on various occasions. MAHE understands the importance of sustaining a viable environment for the tiny university-town Manipal, and it implements relevant policies to install a practice of responsible consumption. The Energy Management System of MAHE was formally implemented in 2016 in the Manipal campus, followed by Mangalore in 2019. It was set up to attain efficiency in energy consumption. The initial tasks were to improve the power quality (by replacing the old units with energy-efficient ones), optimize load by auto-synchronization panels, and install energy-efficient power equipment.

MAHE runs central air conditioning systems that use water-cooled screw chillers, unitary air-conditioner controls, and an automation system for buildings with sensors. For hot water, it relies on solar hot water systems. Also, there is a Solar rooftop photovoltaic (SRTPV), whose installed capacity is 1463 kWp. More than 60 percent of the electricity used on campus comes from green sources. The energy-monitoring hub (EMH) is used for centralized monitoring of sub-stations and the air conditioning plants. Real-time data availability enables efficient monitoring and quick troubleshooting. MAHE plans to enhance this platform to integrate remote controls from the EMH.

Another vital factor in this context is the maintenance of Ambient air quality (AAQ). It is a crucial environmental indicator for human health. Six AAQ parameters measured on-campus show significantly less concentration than Central Pollution Control Board standards for residential areas, even lower than those specified for more stringent and ecologically sensitive zones. MAHE uses five electric vehicles to transfer students, staff, and guests to and from the airport. This year 68 percent of airport trips were done by electric vehicles. Additionally, two security patrol vehicles are also changed into battery-operated four-wheelers.

Related Goals

Our Good Practices

MAHE’s policy towards ensuring the maintenance of sustainable consumption
MAHE maintains a transparent policy towards hazardous waste management