Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Services

Being a health sciences University, MAHE has a team of counsellors and medical personnel under the Directorate of Student Affairs, promoting sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing. As part of their curriculum, many students also teach and promote sexual and reproductive health education for the wider community. In addition, various institutions of MAHE regularly organise awareness programs particularly health camps related to the subject of sexual and reproductive health for the benefit of the people in and around the Udupi district. 

Breastfeeding and Nutritious Diet:

Manipal College of Nursing in collaboration with Rotary Club Udupi, Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Scheme, BC Trust, Brahmavar Thaluk and Department of Women and Child development, Udupi Jointly organized an awareness program on importance of breast feeding at Government Higher Primary School Uppoor Jhathabettu on 25th   August, 2019. Manipal, Manipal College of Nursing (MCON), MAHE, Manipal in collaboration with the Rotary Club Udupi Royal, Nisarga Friends Manchi, Indrali; and the Department of Women and Child Development, Udupi, Department of District Police, Primary Health Centre also conducted an awareness program on breastfeeding, nutritious diet and abuse among women at Ambedkar Bhavana, Manchi, Kumeri on 1st September, 2019. A similar program was also organized in collaboration with Rotary Club Udupi Royal, Chaithanya Jnana Vikasa Trust, Manipal along with the Department of Women and Child development, Udupi, Department of District Police, Primary Health Centre at Government Higher Primary School, Manchi Kodi, on 8th September, 2019.  During these programs importance of breastfeeding to the new-born, mother, family and the society and the ways with which the mother can make sure that the child is getting adequate breast milk were explained. It also emphasised on the dietary requirements of mothers during breastfeeding. 

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