Seed Germination and Laser Based Approach to address National Hunger in India

Manipal School of Life Sciences, MAHE provides support for sustainable agriculture practice for the Mattu Gulla farmers in the nearby Mattu village, by enhancing seed germination through laser-based approach. We share scientific knowledge regarding soil, water and other physiological parameters with the local Mattu Gulla farmers. We provide testing for confirming the authenticity of several plants used by the food and drugs industries in the region. We also help the local farmers growing Mattu Gulla variety by providing help with the soil characteristics to improve their produce. We support sustainability of resources through our research projects on enhancement of seed germination, DNA barcoding to check authenticity of plants used in various industries. Led by Dr. Harish Joshi, a team of 14 students studied the various techniques adopted in production and marketing accredited to Mattu Gulla (Green Aubergine). The team was enlightened about the problems faced by the farmers whilst producing Mattu Gulla. Manipal Institute of Management Dr. Suhan Mendon, The Chief Secretary Lakshman Mattu, and The President of the Mattu Gulla Producer Association, Mr. Dayananda Bangera accompanied the study team. As part of the study package, the team and the farmers discussed the GI accreditation, export markets, rural markets, branding, grading, marketing strategies, seed production, sowing technologies, preparation of saplings, grafting, pricing, setting the prices for the markets, promotion, labelling and cultural heritage. The Mattu Gulla Producers Association hosts various events in collaboration with MAHE and its constituent colleges where students get a chance to interact with the local farmers and food producers to discuss farming techniques, marketing, market analysis, grading, soil sample analysis etc. to better understand the local growing conditions. Following these events, MAHE provides support to the farmers. We support sustainability of resources through our research projects on enhancement of seed germination, DNA barcoding to check authenticity of plants used in various industries. The figure below shows how seed germination is done in Mattu Gulla.

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