
Today, the world needs a special focus on producing and conserving agriculture-based food products and a series of ecosystem services (e.g., pollination, soil formation, nutrient cycling, and water regulation) supporting agricultural activities and contributing to food security and nutrition. Increasing world population and changes in consumption patterns have put pressure on the environment creating the need to produce food for an additional two billion people by 2030 while preserving and enhancing the natural resource base upon which the Wellbeing of present and future generations depends.

This is important considering that unsustainable expansion of agriculture has created severe environmental problems such as soil erosion, water pollution through agrochemicals, and emission of greenhouse gases. Climate change and `natural` disasters such as droughts, landslides and floods greatly affect food security. Disaster risk management, climate change adaptation and mitigation are key to increase harvests quality and quantity.

MAHE’s research team works with the local farmers and provides scientific knowledge regarding soil characteristics to improve their produce, physiological parameters and also consults them to market their produce.

MAHE’s canteen facilities provide hygienic, nutritious food at an affordable price and around 95% of the food served at the canteens is vegetarian food. MAHE Mess facilities have been able to thrive when it comes to sustainable waste management. From vegetable procurement to waste segregation, the mess follows a fool-proof system that has been able to maximize food use and minimize food wastage.

MAHE’s research work has produced more than 30 research papers in the prime research journals across the globe and contributed significantly towards UN’s SDG of Zero Hunger.

Our Good Practices

Cage Aquaculture to improve fish produce for fish farmers in Manipal
Health of the Rivers and Groundwater Discharge
Mattu Gulla: A case study of sustainable agriculture
Anganwadi Outreach
Annadhan 2021
Healthy food
Rice Distribution: Hunger Free Udupi
Food for underprivileged Workers at MAHE, Manipal
Campus food waste
Seed Germination and Laser Based Approach to address National Hunger in India