MAHE's women empowerment projects

The Manipal Academy of Higher Education has always been steadfast in its drive to give back to the community and empower the local, rural populations. In this regard, MAHE has undertaken numerous projects in the surrounding rural areas to help with the upliftment of the local communities. These include workshops and activities that help the community generate income ass well as helping with resources (human and material) to help them make ample use of the experience gained through the workshop activities. To that end, MAHE has been a part of certain initiatives that help rural and local women gain financial independence. One of these initiatives was a mat making workshop. Through the course of this workshop, community members were trained to recycle used clothes such as synthetic sarees, leggings, T-shirts and turn them into Door Mats, cartons and other useful daily items. Local tailors, students, home makers and Panchayat members participated in the activity. MAHE believes that this workshop has the potential to generate revenue for the local communities and can help them generate personal income as well. Yet another activity undertaken by MAHE int his regard has been about empowering rural women through a skill development program start-up that utilises kitchen waste. In this activity, state Resource Person Joseph Rebellow demonstrated the technique of effective kitchen waste management. He also provided insight into how kitchen waste could be converted to manure using the pipe composting method. He also taught the communities how this manure can then be packaged and sold at a nominal cost. This was disseminated among the women folk in the area in order to empower them. Through these initiatives, MAHE believes that it can not only disseminate resources and knowledge but also help the communities sustain themselves financially in the long run. Thus, MAHE remains committed to its goal of working towards sustainability while also giving back to the local communities.

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