MAHE - Energy Plan, Use and Consumption

MAHE has clearly defined the processes for energy planning, review, methodology and criteria. Energy plan and review has been thoroughly documented and maintained. In particular, to develop energy review MAHE implements the following: (a) Measurement and analysis of energy use and consumption, that is, identification of current energy sources as well as evaluation of past and present energy use and consumption (b) Based on energy use and consumption, the areas of significant energy use are identified (c) Facilities, equipment, systems, processes and personnel working for or on behalf of the University that affects significant energy use and consumption are also identified (d) Furthermore, based on other relevant variables affecting significant energy uses – the current energy performance of facilities, equipment, systems and processes related to identified significant energy uses together with estimates of future energy use and consumption are determined. The opportunities for improving energy performance are also prioritised and recorded (e) Energy reviews are updated once in six months and also in response to major changes in facilities, equipment, systems, and energy use processes. MAHE ensures that key constituents of its University operations affecting energy performance are identified, analysed, measured, and monitored at planned intervals. A data collection plan appropriate to the size, complexity, resources and measuring equipment has also been set up. The Plan documents the source  and frequency of data collection together with who will be responsible for data collection. Data collection relates relevant variables to Sustainable Energy Units (SEUs), Energy Consumption related to SEUs and operational criteria related to SEUs together with static factors, and data specified in action plan as a minimum. This data is reviewed and updated by concerned authorities at defined intervals as appropriate. Equipment used for monitoring and measuring the key components have their accuracy and repeatability ensured. Documentation establishing the said accuracy and repeatability is also retained. These measures significantly reduce the carbon footprint. Moreover, transportation and campus security patrol with the help of electric vehicles (EVs), solar roof top PV systems and solar roof top hot water systems further reduce fossil fuel based emission.

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MAHE’s Procurement of Solar Energy from ReNew Power Limited
Policing Forensics