The Social Endeavour Group: Bonds that run deep!

The Social Endeavour Group (SEG) at TAPMI, Manipal strongly believes in the philosophy of, “Do what you can with what you have, where you are.”   With a team of 23 members, the committee works on several initiatives based on sustainable development goals – quality education, good health and well-being for the betterment of the local community.

Social Endeavour Group believes in making our community a better place to live in, one step at a time. We took several tiny but determined and focused steps to come closer to our goal. Social Endeavour group has picked up projects that comply with sustainable development goals: SDG 3 – Good health and well-being, SDG 4 – Quality education, SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation, SDG 12 – Responsible production and consumption and SDG 17 – Partnership for the goals. Social Endeavour Group has contributed to the society by exuberating value bonds, ‘Holistic concern for ethics, environment and society’ of the institution.

SEG’S Projects

SEG, in collaboration with NGO NOSFAM conducted CompCert: an event to promote Digital literacy. As a part of this event, we conducted a workshop for 29 students from Rajeev Nagar Public School on “How to build your own websites”. The event ran for five days from July 18th to July 22nd, 2021. The course curriculum was designed by Infosys professionals. This initiative is directly mapped with Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education. The event saw an overwhelming response from the students who were filled with the motivation to learn and grow. The entire week was filled with laughter, fun and learning. The Director’s visit and interaction with the students put them in high spirits

Daan Utsav, Santrupti Community Fridge, Computer Certification Program for children, Life Skills project, Blood Donation Drive, Vastra Vitaran and Gift a Smile are some of the initiatives taken up by SEG.



Sustainable Plastic Bucket Reusability

Jun 2019 - Present

The team had run a campaign to collect reusable plastic materials from our seniors at TAPMI. We were able to collect 350 buckets, 150 mugs, 250 dustbins. These items were thoroughly cleaned and refurbished. We offered these items for free to the students of Batch 2019-21.


Computer Certification Program

Oct 2018 - Present

SEG has designed a computer certification program for students of class 4th and 5th at the Academy Primary School, Manipal. The sole objective is to bridge the gap between the haves and have nots by tapping the potential of these enthusiastic kids. The idea is to get them acquainted with the basics of computers since it is the most important and indispensable skill required in today’s time. The topics covered range right from the very basic introduction of input and output devices to fundamental applications of MS-Office.

Joy of Giving (Daan Utsav)

Oct 2018 - Present

Includes Blood Donation Drive, Old Age Home visit, Asare visit and Campus Non-teaching Staff Lunch.

Santrupti Community Fridge

Oct 2018 - Present

SEG in collaboration with Lions Club of Manipal successfully inaugurated the ‘Santrupti Community Fridge’ near the Auto Stand, Tiger Circle on 27th Oct,2018. The inauguration was done by the Deputy Commissioner of Udupi District. The initiative was finally put into operation after having regular conversations and meetings with all the associations involved along with their consensus for the entire operation. The concept of Community Fridge is aligned with the 2nd Sustainable Development Goal

Life Skills Project

Jul 2018 - Present

The project is aimed at building the next generation leaders. Fostering skills, that are essential to meet challenges of everyday life, at early stage of life will pay dividends in the years to come. This project helps teenagers (13-18yrs) realize their potential and exposes them to better opportunities by encouraging and building their self-confidence. These skills are imparted through various fun activities and games. This project is done at CSI Boys boarding school, Udupi, for the students…

Vastra Vitaran

Mar 2018 - Present

We at SEG believe that there are many reasons why donating clothing to others is a significant action. When you give people access to clothes, you give them more than just protection from the cold. You give them ability to socialize, express themselves, and feel dignified. With the help of the TAPMI fraternity and in collaboration with Asare Trust (training and rehabilitation centre for the specially-abled), Christ Church and Gandhi Hospital we carried out this event.

Others include: Plastic Waste Management (Jul 2016 – Present) &  Solid Waste Management (Jul 2016 – Present)


Social Endeavour Group

Related Goals