Education outreach activities beyond campus

Nasha Mukt Bharath’ campaign

Department of Student Affairs, MAHE has conducted several programs in MAHE and Udupi District as part of the ‘Nasha Mukt Bharath’ campaign.

In order to raise awareness and increase the reach of our efforts, we conducted a series of Talks over the Radio. Dr. Geetha Maiya (Director Student Affairs) and Dr. Rayan Mathias (MAHE Student Counsellor) recorded the first of Nasha Mukt Udupi Abhiyaan Radio Talk Series, accompanied by Mr. Roshan Jathanna (Deputy Director Student Affairs), at the Community Radio Station at Manipal Institute of Communication, MAHE.

Related Goals

Webinar on Tobacco Control

International Webinar on Tobacco Control was organized to observe World No Tobacco Day on 31st May 2021 on Zoom. It was organized in association with the Medical Research Council of United Kingdom funded projects - Preventing Smoking Uptake & Tobacco Control Capacity Program. Experts from across the world participated in the Webinar and shared their views on country-specific and global measures for tobacco control.

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Team-3D Manipal (Dreams, Desire, Destiny)

The idea of Team-3D Manipal was conceived in 2015 by a small group of likeminded individuals who joined hands to spread awareness and talk about health issues people are shy or scared to talk about. In one year this concept attract many more and the group evolved as 'Team-3D" a Nationally Registered Not for Profit Organization in November 2016. We strive to promote facts demystify myths and help create a healthier, bolder and more positive 'Gen Next'.

We achieve this through Interactive workshops, fact files and workbooks, a documentary, a flash mob and a street play. We have also branched out to focus on older age groups to raise awareness about common health issues faced by people and bust myths and misconceptions surrounding them. We have over 200 volunteers and have organized more than 50 for students. Since 2019 we are a regular part of the Med-Orient program organized as per the MCI (now NMC) rules, for orienting medical students as they enter first year of MBBS. 

We also have a research wing which is involved in Epidemiological research and conducts studies to better understand the prevalence and impact of these diseases in our society.

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Radio talk

Dr Prasanna Mithra P was the resource person at Radio Saarang 107.8, a community Radio Station at St. Alloysius College, Mangalore. This is a non-for-profit organization catering to local community through FM radio and to global community through an android app. He delivered both live on phone session to community as well as recorded programmes during this period. The topics covered were Water and Health, Precautions to be taken towards Covid-19 prevention during Pandemic times, environmental sanitation etc. during the period of 2020-21 he had delivered more than 5 programmes.

Related Goals


International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife

As part of the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, Manipal College of Nursing conducted a webinar for school teachers on identification and management of nutritional disorders among school children in COVID 19 perspective on 15th August 2020 using Microsoft teams. The objective of the program was to create awareness among school teachers on common nutritional problems among school children and its management.

Related Goals

Manipal Centre for European Studies conducted the following workshops.

Workshop on Introduction to Literary Theories on 12-03-2021 in MGM College, Udupi  :

The workshop on Introduction to Literary Theories was conducted familiarize students of literature with theoretical tools to appreciate literary texts. Using ‘text-to-theory’ approach, the workshop introduced participants to wide range of literary theories. The workshop was conducted as part of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence project envisaged by Manipal Centre for European Studies, MAHE, Manipal. The workshop consisted of four sessions

I - Classical Theories of Literature 

II - Romantic Poetry- Literary Theory 

III - Modernist Experiment in Literature

IV - Introduction to Structuralism and Post-structuralism

Workshop on European Literature and Literary Theories on Nov 26-27, 2021 in Rosary College of Commerce and Arts, Navelim  :

This workshop was conducted to encourage students to read and appreciate European literary works through literary theoretical paradigms. Students were directed to read and analyse select texts through questions like ‘who is a poet/artist?’, ‘what is the purpose and function of art?’ and ‘what is the process of creation?’ The participants were divided into groups of five and asked to discuss each text. This activity was to facilitate peer discussion. Through a critical reading of texts, the students were also introduced to literary theories like Structuralism and Poststructuralism. This workshop was also conducted as part of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence project.   

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