Integrated Water Resource Management, Hydro-Resilience and Sustainability under Climate Change

Project in charge: Dr. Anoop Kumar Shukla and 

Mr. Naga Venkata Sai kumar Manapragada

Thematic Area: Disaster Management

Project Guide(s):              Dr. Anoop Kumar Shukla and

Mr. Naga Venkata Sai kumar Manapragada

International partners: (If any) NA

MAHE Partner: NA

Village/City: Manipal

Project Duration: 16th December, 2021 (2.30 pm to 4.00 pm)

Aim: Integrated Water Resource Management, Hydro-Resilience and Sustainability under Climate Change

The study/ Innovation: The droughts and the floods are a common feature and their co-existence poses a potent threat, which cannot be eradicated but has to be managed. River bank degradation can disrupt the transportation system, property loss from undermining structures, sedimentation of in-stream structures. The Health risks associated with flooding are surprisingly poorly characterized and need to consider the whole event and entire recovery process.

Weblink: (If any)

Link to Research Publication (if any with DOI) - NA

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