Guest Talk on ECG Interpretation by Dr Krishnananda Nayak
July 17, 2023
Dr. Krishnananda Nayak, Professor and Head of Department of Cardiovascular Technology, Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE, Manipal delivered a guest talk on " Basic Principles of ECG Interpretation " on 17 July 2023 from 4: 00 pm to 5:00 pm at Seminar Room, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Manipal. He started the talk with building the fundamentals about electrocardiography. He captured the interest of audience by talking about the first organ to start functioning in an embryo; the heart. Starting from simple concepts, he explained step by step, the generation of the ECG graph and standard calibration for the same. Students were really fascinated by the knowledge he shared about interpreting ECG readings, Einthoven’s equation, planes of the body and Hex axial reference system. The purpose of the event was to nurture knowledge and kindle interest in students, in areas of medicine and allied health services for better patient care. The event was organized by the Pharmacy Literacy Club (PLC), Centre for Public Health Pharmacy, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS to enhance the learning experience & support students in their academics and extra-academics. PLC is a students’ initiative to provide a platform for capacity building in the best clinical pharmacy practices & research and public health pharmacy services. The talk was attended by more than 30 students of 4th, 5th ,6th year Pharm D and M.Pharm students and staff.