Mr Rakesh Rahangdale, Research scholar awarded with financial support for presenting research paper at European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Copenhagen, Denmark
April 18, 2023
Mr. Rakesh Rahangdale, Research scholar, Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at MCOPS received ESCMID FÖrderverein Grant for attending 33rd ECCMID held at Copenhagen, Denmark. The grant included free registration, accommodation, and travel tickets including visa acquisition costs. Mr. Rakesh presented his research paper entitled ‘Design and development of host cell derived peptide to inhibit Herpes simplex virus entry’ at the conference which was co-authored by Dr. Mukesh Pasupuleti (Scientist at CDRI, Lucknow), Dr. Fayaz SM (Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, MIT) and Dr. Raghu Chandrashekar H. He is pursuing his research work under the guidance of Dr. Raghu Chandrashekar H, Professor, and Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MCOPS, MAHE, Manipal.