The faculty members of MCON Manipal, alumni, final year under graduate students and post graduate students prepared Program Educational Outcome (PEO) and Program Outcome (PO) for basic B.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing program based on the Course Outcomes (CO) prepared for each courses taught in the undergraduate curriculum. The convention resulted in fine-tuning of COs, POs and PEOs for undergraduate courses of MCON Manipal.
Dr. Anice George, Dean Manipal College of Nursing Manipal welcomed the gathering and gave the closing remarks at the end of the day. Dr. Judith A Noronha, Associate Dean gave an overview of the program. Dr. Latha T, Assistant Professor and Convener of the program thanked the speakers and the participants. Mrs Savitha, Assistant Professor compered the entire day’s event.