Mega Imprintz 2020 - A Talent Hunt
Manipal College of Nursing Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education organized ‘Mega Imprintz- 2020 a talent hunt’ among students of nursing Institutions. The event was scheduled on 21st and 22nd of February 2020 under the leadership of Student Nurses’ Association (SNA 2019-2020) of Manipal College of Nursing Manipal. SNA is a students’ association led by student representatives with the objectives of inspiring and encouraging student nurses to develop leadership abilities. To align with the objectives of SNA, Mega Imprintz was organized to offer the largest opportunity for nursing students from various colleges to exhibit their talents and prove their ability on a vivacious platform. Different cultural competitions including spot painting, collage, western and eastern group and solo singing and dance, mime and few sports events were held simultaneously in Manipal College of Nursing, Dr. TMA Pai Halls, Kasturba Medical College and MIT Athletic Ground, MAHE Manipal.
The event was inaugurated by Mr. Manjunath M, Police Inspector, Manipal Police Station, Udupi District and Air Commodore Harindra Kumar Dhiman, Chief Warden, Health Sciences, MAHE. Dr. Anice George, Dean MCON, Dr. Judith Angelita Noronha, Associate Dean MCON and Mrs. Shanthi P, Assistant Director Physical Education department, KMC, Manipal have joined the inauguration.
Mr. Manjunath M addressed the gathering emphasizing on the importance of sports in life and encouraged students to consider sports to stay fit and healthy. Air Commodore Harindra Kumar Dhiman declared the Mega Imprintz 2020 open. Five best athletes from different colleges took part in the torch ceremony. The students participated in various events with the sportsman spirit.
Sixteen nursing colleges have actively participated in both sports and cultural events. They have expressed that such events help students to showcase their talents and enhances their overall personality development. Faculty members and students who were part of the events have admired the systematic organization of the events.
The program was concluded with valedictory function on 22nd February 2020. Dr. Shobha U Kamath, Cultural Coordinator, Manipal Academy of Higher Education Manipal congratulated the participants and awarded the overall championship to Manipal College of Nursing Manipal and runners up to Manipal School of Nursing Manipal. Dr. Anice George, Dean, Manipal College of Nursing Manipal thanked the administrators, faculty members and the students of all the nursing colleges for their enthusiastic participation and making the event a grand success.
February 22, 2020
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