Mr. Gangadhar Shetty, President, 80th Badagabettu Grama Panchayath, highlighted the significance of observation of world Alzheimer’s day. Students enacted a role play on signs and symptoms and early identification of Alzheimer’s disease, which was well appreciated by the audience. Mrs. Savitha, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Psychiatric Nursing enlightened the gathering on identification and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. She emphasized that awareness about this degenerative and irreversible disorder is very important. Supportive care for the patients affected with Alzheimer's and family members who are involved in care need to be the focus of attention. In her speech she also highlighted on Alzheimer’s disease, which is often called a family disease, because the chronic stress of watching a loved one’s deterioration of cognitive function affects everyone. A psychological approach in dealing these target population is an emerging crisis for the health team, as the number of senile population is escalating!
Mr. Ravindra Shetty, President of Rajeeva Nagara Residential Owner’s Welfare Association expressed his gratitude and appreciated the efforts taken by the faculty and students. Program culminated at 4.00pm with vote of thanks by Ms. Sahana Prabhu, 3rd Year BSc. nursing student.