“Quench your thirst” Interactive lecture series with Dr Basanti Majumdar, Adjunct faculty

Dr Basanti Majumdar, Professor Emeritus, McMaster University Canada, a distinct adjunct faculty of Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE Manipal interacts with varied group of researchers and faculty. The PhD scholars and faculty were involved in series of lectures during 4th and 5th March 2019.

March 06, 2019

PhD Scholar of MCON, and Biochemistry attended a special talk on plagiarism, and how to reduce waste in research. The sessions were intensely intense on how a research could focus on the solid findings and reduce wastage. Plagiarism was another concerns the research scholars had in common and Dr Basanti has rightly thrown a light on how studies can be cited and how one can give acknowledgement for the prior distinct works carried out by researchers. Original work and correct citations could help reduce the effects of plagiarism.

Faculty attended the session on scientific writing. She emphasized on the art of writing, the language used and the authenticity of the research papers as per the expectation of the journal. Having to have well known researcher in the field makes sense and publication in collaboration makes deeper meaning into current publications. Faculty raised their concerns over rejection of manuscript while processing. One to one interaction and mentoring forum was provided to faculty who felt the need for a push to acceptance of the research paper.
She also highlighted the bright side of international collaborators in writing grant projects and also how one can publish ethically in high impact journals. Looking for research partners, one must focus on past track record of publications, strong partnership attitude and financial sustainability towards research progress. Finally, mindset to run the race of research process and publication in time is crucial for success.

On the 5th of March, 2019, the M.Sc. Nursing students had an interactive session on Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Live focus group discussions took place showing a path so as to how an ideal focus group happens in health care. Live demonstration of FGD made an amazing learning experience to the young researchers. The sessions winded up with a note of thanks and with a hope to have more interactive sessions in the forthcoming year.