Nursing Research Day - 2021
The Exemplary Research and innovation team (IoE, Pillar – II) of Manipal College of Nursing, MAHE, Manipal, has organized Nursing Research Day on 25th September 2021 through virtual mode. The goal was to provide an additional forum for faculty and students an opportunity to present their research and igniting their own research and innovative ambitions. A total of 150 participants attended the program and 20 participants presented e-posters and innovative ideas through the Microsoft team.
The day commenced with a welcome address and introduction of the keynote speaker by Dr Judith A Noronha, Dean, MCON, MAHE, Manipal. The keynote address on the theme - Intervention Research in Nursing Practice was delivered by Dr L Gopichandran, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi. He emphasized the importance of nurses being empowered to conduct research and generate evidence to improve the quality of care as well as their professional development. Following which the participants presented their research work through the poster presentation virtually. In the afternoon innovative ideas were presented by the participants. The program concluded with the closing remarks by Dr Anice George, former Dean, MCON, Manipal, where she highlighted the need for research in nursing. The winners of the best e-posters and innovative ideas presentations were announced. The participants expressed that such events should be conducted more often as they provide a platform for knowledge enhancement and also help improve the quality of nursing care.
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