Dr N.K Vijayan Karippal, Principal Expert Pre-University College, Mangalore was the resource person.
He talked about Excursion to Leadership with help of 7 Destinations/ 7C’s namely Clarity about our purpose/objectives, better Communication skills while dealing with students, a teacher should have Control over content, circumstances, impulses/ emotions, Commitment in the task we do with 4 F’s fun, fame, fortune and future. The fifth destination is Challenge, Connectivity is possible with co-ordination, co-operation, collaboration and co-existence and last destination is Complexity. He also spoke about five cardinal sins which a teacher should never commit: Being rude, being confrontational, challenging students, being bad tempered, being negative and winding students. Strategies to overcome misbehavior or indiscipline are PRAISE i.e. Being Proactive, Giving positive Reinforcement, Assessing the situation in terms of ABC (antecedent, behavior and consequence), analyzing Intent of misbehavior, Sincerity and finally Empowering students. A total of 65 faculty from MCON and MSON had participated in the workshop.