Report on International Women’s Day- 2021 Theme: #ChooseToChallenge
Radio Program on ‘Women Empowerment to challenge the challenges of women’:
To commemorate the International Women’s Day, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, and PhD scholars from Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal conducted a radio talk in the form of roleplay and interlocution on the topic ‘Women Empowerment to challenge the challenges of women’ for the International Women’s Day theme #Choose to Challenge. The talk was broadcasted by Radio Manipal Community Radio station on FM 90.4 MHz at 5 pm on 8 March 2021.
Awareness programme on “Breast cancer and its prevention”
An awareness programme on “Breast cancer and its prevention” was organized on 8th March 2021 as part of International Women’s Day- 2021 by IVth year BSc Nursing students and the Department of Community Health Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing (MCON), MAHE with a theme “#ChooseToChallenge” for non-teaching and house-keeping staffs of MCON.
The programme began with the welcome address by Ms Aswathi P. Dr Anice George Dean, MCON conveyed women’s day greetings to the participants and admired everyone’s presence for taking part in this women’s day session. Dr Judith A Noronha Associate Dean, MCON spoke about women’s roles and responsibilities day to day chores and sheer dedication towards her family. She always steps back when it comes to her health concern. So all women should empower themselves and raise their voice when it comes to their health concerns too. Dr Shashidhara YN, Professor & HOD, Dept of Community Health Nursing highlighted the significance of the day and theme “ #ChooseToChallenge”. He narrated the women’s struggle and ways to overcome milestones with courage and boldness.
Ms TS Ambika, IVth BSc Nursing done a presentation on breast cancer and its prevention. She explained the risk factors, how to spot signs and symptoms early, and various stages of breast cancer, diagnostic measures and treatment modalities. A video on stages of breast cancer, extensive way of treatment modalities were displayed to make understanding about breast cancer. Ms Shwetha, IV year BSc student performed breast-self-examination using manikins and sensitized the participants through re-demonstration for self-practice regularly. The concluding remarks were given by Dr Ansuya, the programme coordinator clarified the doubts of participants and opined choose healthy lifestyle practices in life and challenge to prevent breast cancer. Until and unless we challenge our fears there will be no change. From challenge comes change, so let us all choose to challenge. The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms Jisna Joseph. The programme was attended by 15 non-teaching and house-keeping staffs. The Programme was coordinated by Dr. Ansuya, Assistant Professor, Dept of Community Health Nursing, MCON Manipal
Virtual webinar on ‘Challenge the challenges of Mid-life crisis’:
The faculty members of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal observed the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2021, by organizing a virtual webinar on ‘Challenge the challenges of Mid-life crisis’. Dr Sonia R.B D’Souza, Professor and HoD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal welcomed and introduced the resource person Dr Savitha Soman, Associate Professor and Head of Unit, Dept of Psychiatry, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.
The mid-life crisis manifests a lot of changes in the life of women leading to not only the physiological crisis but also psychological stressors/alterations and this is worsened by societal expectations deliberated by the resource person. She stressed that every woman would go through this crisis in their life and it is quite normal for any woman to experience the symptoms of a mid-life crisis. But, she told that it is important to overcome these challenges. She told that a mid-life crisis can be overcome by recreation and relaxation and keeping oneself in a positive frame of mind. She also highlighted and spoke on the various techniques and methods to overcome the mid-life crisis by following simple techniques like reconnecting with nature, spending quality fun time with friends & family, learning something new, supporting each other in times of stress. She also emphasized that if the symptoms worsen, it must not be written off that everything is normal but proper consultation needs to be taken. All participants on board joined a photo gallery by raising their right hands and taking a pledge to show support and solidarity as well as a commitment to #ChooseToChallenge for good health, balanced diet, better social & emotional health, economic security and overall sense of wellbeing and quality of life. Dr Sushmitha Karkada, Assistant Professor(Senior Scale), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal compered the program.
The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing, MCON Manipal observed international women’s day by giving an awareness talk on various cancer in reproductive organs. Mrs Sweety Fernandes, Asst professor, OBG Nursing Department, MCON Manipal discussed about the risk factors, symptoms and prevention of various cancers related to the reproductive organ, and the challenges faced by a woman in her day to day life at Krishnabai Vasudeva Shenoy Memorial government College Katapadi. A total of 40 degree students attended the session and participated actively in group discussion.
March 17, 2021
Report of School Health Education program: Personal Hygiene and Healthy lifestyle
MCON- International Conference - July 2025
Report on Guest Lecture 'Translating Thesis to Publication” for PhD Scholars